
Lots of stuff going on.

Budget Position Report

County reports did not arrive in time to reconcile all of the reports. So the Budget Position Report is unreconciled. There won’t be major changes. There will be a small amount of additional income from investments and a few hundred dollars in payroll taxes. You will receive a reconciled report at the meeting.

Receipts for April were $54,990.21. Expenditures were $26,359.43. So receipts exceeded expenditures $26,359.43. We have banked$143,682.97 for the year.

The $25,197 USDA payment will show up in May.

Treasurers Report:

Accounts have not been reconciled. A Treasurers Report will be presented at the meeting.

Financial System Explanation

Jim suggested we have a “working session” to go over the financial management system.

I concur. We can schedule one for a day when we are all in town and healthy.

As far as the State Auditor is concerned, the management of the finances and adherence to the open meetings rules are the biggest areas of accountability. This stuff is dry as dust, but the commissioners need to have a working knowledge of what all the reports mean.

Let’s set a date.

2018 Audit

Theresults of the exit interview are included in your packets. Inshort, the District was found to conform to all rules and regulations.

The Auditor did provide us with a list of recommendations (See attached). We are in the process of stepping through those recommendations and working towards implementation.

Executive Sessions: See SAO report.

Cash Handling Policy: A proposed policy has been prepared with a copy in your packets.

Please review the policy and respond with any comments you might have.

I believe that approval of the policy will require a resolution.

Credit Cards: The District’s credit card policy is a part of the purchasing policy. That policy has proposed revisions to conform to the requirements of the Auditor. A copy is included in your packets.

I believe that approval of the policy will require a resolution.

Credit Card Testing: See SAO report. We will all do better at providing receipts.

Payroll Controls: See SAO report. Implemented.

Utility Adjustment Policy: See attached proposed policy.

I believe that approval of the policy will require a resolution.

UtilityBilling: I am not sure how to implement this recommendation except to take extra care to make multiple checks of the accounts at the time rates are updated. We just don’t have staff to “independently review”the entries.

Drop Box: We have a long standing plan to retain a contractor to install/construct a more secure drop box. I will need to move the priority of that project up.

We have installed a security camera aimed at the front door and the drop box.

Billing System

The Banyon Data Systems billing software is giving us problems. To make that even more of an adventure, Banyon’s customer service has gone a long ways down hill.

The big problem with the software itself is that it will, at random, drop meter readings. Our calls to Banyon to fix this problem resulted in their staff telling us that the readings were not entered in the first place. That is an impossibility. You can’t generate bills without current readings, even if they are zero.

When other, more minor, problems crop up, it seems that our calls to them are a big bother.

Adding insult to injury, during the last go around it was revealed that the current version of the software is Version 10. We have been using Version 6. We were never informed about Versions 7, 8, 9 or 10. For this we are paying $795.00 a year.

The billing system is at the center of our revenue generating efforts.

Some of the other irritations include:

  • A Report Writer module that is way outside the bounds of “user friendly” and is very limited in the ability to format reports.
  • An abstruse interface with Databar.
  • The inability to print duplicate water bills.
  • An account history report that is difficult to read and almost impossible to interpret. When we have history questions I often build a spreadsheet so that we, and the customer, can understand the history.
  • No ability to track credit card receipts and reconcile the receipts with the Point & Pay deposits to our bank account. We do that separately.
  • An overly complex account numbering system.
  • We only have one “seat”. Acquiring a second seat involves essentially purchasing, at full price, another copy of the software. Currently, if there is work I need to do in the billing system, I have to kick Charli out of her chair.
  • I am not convinced that we are getting good water usage (on the sales side) numbers. Raw numbers still indicate an almost 40% water loss. I get that down for our Water Use Efficiency Report by including water we use but don’t sell, but I just don’t believe we are losing that much water. My indicator is that we average about 200 gallons per day per connection based on water pumped records. If the water loss is to be believed, our average consumption per connection would have to be about 150 gallons per day. I just don’t believe it.
  • One of the prime reasons for adopting this software was the low initial cost. I think we have gotten our money’s worth from the initial investment. But the $795/year seems like a definite waste of money to me.

My proposal is to switch to the Bias Software billing module that attaches to our accounting system. It fixes all of the above irritations, includes some features that would be very useful that we currently do not have, comes with the Bias support team (who are exceptional), and can be set up “hosted” rather than the District purchasing the software. It has the further advantage of interfacing with the accounting system.

Their proposal includes some substantial start up costs. But we would not use everything they are proposing. Specifically, we would not use the Cash Receipting module, and, most likely, would not request on-site set-up assistance. We did not require on-site assistance to set up the accounting system and that saved us a significant chunk of change.

Their proposal totals $4,930 if we leave out the Cash Receipting. I don’t know how much we would save by not having an on-site session. That is difficult to quantify. The set up includes basic set up plus importing our existing data into the new system. That amount also includes the first six months of “hosting” at $200 month.

We could use some variation of our current account numbers, so wewould not have to go through the education process of new account numbers.

My big issue is customer support. While it might take a day or two to get Banyon to respond (and then reluctantly), Bias has always been available to answer questions and fix problems within a few minutes of our cries for help.

Water Usage

Please see the Production Summary included in your packets.

Central Park Elementary School Lead Problem

The Governor issued an executive order requiring lead sampling in the State’s public schools. It does not appear that a plan is in place to address the issue if lead is found to be present.

The job of sampling was assigned to the Office of Environmental Public Health Sciences. I don’t know why it was not assigned to the Office of Drinking Water. The result is that nobody outside of the assigned office knows what is happening.

Being early in the alphabet, the Aberdeen School District, which includes the Central Park Elementary School, is early in the sampling.

There sults of the testing indicated extremely high lead levels. The school district was informed on April 11th. The rest of us, including the Office of Drinking Water, knew nothing about it until an article appeared in the Daily World over the following weekend. We were all delighted.

Since then, it has not become clear who is in charge of what.

It appears to me that the people drawing the samples are not acquainted with the lead sampling and testing protocols published by EPA. The result of that is that nobody really knows how serious the problem really is. It also appears that the assigned office is charged with taking the samples and publishing the results. It does not appear to have any authority (or expertise) regarding appropriate responses to the results.

Aside from the potential health risks, this is a major public relations disaster in the making.

I have been in touch with all the players. No one agency or person seems to be in charge of the response or know, in a global sense,what is going on.

At the request of the Office of Drinking Water, the District has taken pH and Alkalinity samples at the well heads. The results show pH below what the ODW considers optimal, and an Alkalinity level that would offer little buffering. Having said that, we have decades of lead/copper sampling indicating our water is not corrosive. A problem of our lead/copper testing is that the protocol prefers to see samples taken in homes built between 1983 and 1986. There was very little construction activity in Central Park in that period and we have been unable to identify any homes in Central Park built in that time period. Our samples are all taken in homes built in the 1960’s and 1970’s. I don’t know where this is going to go from here.

The office within the Department of Health that took the samples took additional samples. They did not follow EPA protocols for those samples either. Kenny happened to be on-site and watched. I suppose the good news is that the process they followed will almost certainly result in test reports indicating very low, or non-existent, presence of lead.

The District’s latest Inorganic Chemical sample indicated a presence of both lead and copper. Since none of our previous tests, over six decades, have had that indication, I am of the opinion that those are false positives. I have taken additional lead and copper samples at the well heads. I expect to see the results of the test any minute.

Maintenance Activity:

Usual daily/weekly/monthly maintenance activity. See attached report.

Maintenance activity is beginning to be a critical issue. There is no lack of energy or efficiency on Kenny’s part, but maintenance items continue to pileup, and, more disturbingly, deferred. This situation is further complicated during meter reading, as critical repair items come up during that period and meter reading must be delayed while the repair is accomplished.

The “summer projects”routine is also falling behind. For a long time we could get the summer maintenance items completed with the help of a temporary employee. Even with the highly variable character of the summer help we were able to get the maintenance items completed during the summer months.

In the past two years,that has not been case. In the summer of 2016 we had a pretty good temporary, but had to extend the employment period into Fall. In 2017 we had a truly outstanding helper (Mick Peterson) AND we extended the employment period into the Fall, and quite a few of the Summer tasks had to be deferred.

At this point we have 13 work items for the upcoming Summer. Seven of the 13 are relatively critical. Just one of the items, hydrant maintenance,could occupy a moderately ambitious helper all Summer to complete. In addition, with the isolation valve exercise program added as a Sanitary Survey item we are under pressure to develop and implement  a program. While development is something of an issue, I don’t know where we will find the time to implement (see additional discussion,below).

With the system continuing to age it simply takes increasing amounts of labor to stay ahead of maintenance and repair.

The point of this discussion is to draw attention to the need to be seriously thinking about additional field staff.

Another concern is our lack of depth in the office. Often, if Charli is ill or on vacation I can keep the office open and perform both Charli’s duties and my own. However, there are times when that simply cannot be done,either because my duties take me out of the office during office hours, or I am working on projects that require my undivided attention. Currently, at those times, we have no option but to close the office. While most of our customers seem to be understanding, as water rates continue to increase I expect many of those we serve will be expecting a higher level of service.

Our four most visible indicators of a positive customer service attitude are system reliability, the accuracy of our billing, the condition of the fire hydrants, and the service from the office.

I am working on the six year budget. I have always done so, but was never confident enough in my numbers to consider it a useful tool. With the implementation of the Bias software the budgeting process is both easier and more accurate. I will want to be working additional help into our six year plan, probably as early as 2019.

Specific Summer Projects:

  • Strip and recoat North Bank Reservoir roof
  • Paint pumphouse plumbing
  • Paint pumphouse steps
  • Install Well #6 flush valve
  • Determine status of Devonshire Road transmission line
  • Install sampling station at Reynaan Reservoir
  • Locate buried fire hydrant isolation valves
  • Paint and/or repaint fire hydrants
  • Install number plaques on remaining fire hydrants
  • Catch up fire hydrant maintenance
  • Rearrange shop site to accommodate proposed fire station retention pond
  • Fix 117 Reynvaan Drive service lateral
  • Clean up well site

The above is in addition to the routine grounds maintenance. Lots of grass to mow.

Charli’s Computer

A new computer has been built and put in to service. I was able to load it up with Windows 7, so a purchase of Windows 10 was not necessary.

Contractor Repairs

The repair of the valve boxes in Highway 12 is complete. The project went smoothly.

We have not received the invoice for that project yet.

Highway 12 hydrant

Scott was going to see if he could bust loose an accident report.

Hill Road Water Main

Joe has suggested that we explore the possibility of doing part of this project. One approach would be to replace the line from south of Central Park Drive to the north side of the River Road intersection. This part of the project would avoid the two road crossings, which are expensive, and cut the length of the project approximately in half.

I think there is some merit in that approach. I haven’t had an opportunity to explore possibilities with contractors, but will do that in the near future if that is the board’s wish.

Brumfield is extremely busy right now, as are all contractors. This would not be a good time to request a speculative estimate and expect to get a quality answer.

No action on this item in April.

I will tackle them after the Highway 12 valve box project is done.

Well Site Fence

Along with some of the other nagging maintenance chores, the well site fence needs some work. Some of the barbed wire has fallen and the gate needs a bit of welding. I will be contacting a fence company to work on those items.

Highway 12 Meters

I have done some research into this project, and will need to do some more before I am ready to solicit estimates.

Currently I have information from two companies that would fill our need. I would like to have more.

I don’t intend to take any action on this item until the Fall WASWD conference when I can get a chance to talk to multiple vendors. So this project may get pushed off to 2019.

Highway 12 Re-paving Projects

WSDOT has a repaving project that will extend from the Junction City light (Sargeants Blvde) to include work on the Wynooch River Bridge.

I learned about this project on Friday 4/27th. The work is to start on May 7th. I attended the Pre-Construction Conference on 5/2. At the conference it was stated that the project would impact only one valve box.

Ifind it amazing beyond belief that a project covering that much of the highway (albeit in patches) could encounter only one valve box.

We are investigating and will communicate with DOT what we find.

Shop Plumbing

The shop has a small restroom and has had a grungy old kitchen sink unit. The sink unit has packed it in. It has been removed and discarded.

OSHA regulations require that we provide restroom facilities at the shopsite.

We would like to install a vanity in the restroom (it appears to be plumbed for it) and mount a small water heater underneath it, and install a utility sink where the old kitchen sink unit sat. The toilet needs to be replaced, too.

I will contact a plumber on the best approach to getting this work done. The biggest question whether it is best for us to provide the vanity, or have the plumber source one that will serve the need and fit the space.

I have not had an opportunity to follow up.

Shop Organization

We will start the inventory early in the Summer work season.


Kenny has started a computer training class.

I have submitted my application for the WDM4 exam. I will take the refresher classes late in May and hope to take the exam sometime in June.


We have a mini safety meeting every morning. This time of year we focus on hydration issues and driving safety.

The focus on safety,and safety training, has reduced our accident rate to zero for many months now. Call that years. I intend to keep it that way.


Service Truck: No issues.

F-150: Needed a new battery.

S-10: No issues.

Pickup Truck: No Issues

New Connections

No new connections in April.

Old Shop Building Gutters & Downspouts

No action in April. I need to move this item up on the priority list.

Shop Site South Fence

On hold until we see all that the fire station fencing will entail.

Alder Glen & Etc.

No news in April. We still have a few of these to check out. Hopefully, this summer.

Carl Way/Ridgeview: Not an issue

Hemlock Park

Lois Lane Not an issue

Waverly Court Not an issue

Garden Road: Not an issue

Walthom Lane: Not an issue

Greenbriar Court

Reynvaan Court

Madow Court

Reed Lane Not an issue

Blaine Road (End) Not an issue

Larson Lane Not an issue

Fremont Drive

Silkey Court

Lake Road

Hemlock Park

Fairway Park

River Road: Replaced

Alder Glen: Will need replacement.

Fairway Terrace: Will need replacement.

Filing System

We need to go through the boxes stored in the Shop. I hope to start that task as a Summer project.

We are approaching the point where we can call in the shredding truck.

We still haven’t implemented a new filing system. A lot of my time got sucked up with the accounting system this year. It has been a steep learning curve that should be easing down some in 2018.

Implementing a new filing system will entail a certain amount of chaos. We are not in a good position to suffer chaos lightly at the moment. Also, the filing system will have interface points with the valve exercise program and the as-built drawing file program, whatever that ends up being.


No action in April. As a reminder regarding this item…it is my intent to have two forms. One form that is completed by the tenant at the time they apply to have the billing in their name, and a second form that will be sent to the property owner informing them that the tenant is vacating. My thinking on the second form is that it will include a forwarding address for the tenant and will require acknowledgement by the property owner before the tenant’s deposit will be sent to the forwarding address.

While our policy of requiring a deposit for tenants is a service to the property owner,the primary objective is to remove the District from tenant/owner conflict. We are not a collection agency and have not intention of becoming one.


The Armory project is back up and running. They are now requesting domestic service in addition to fire flow. I believe that the LeMay proposal to add a booster station at the Clemons Reservoir site influenced that decision.

WASWD Fall Conference

I have made the initial reservations for my attendance. This is shaping up to be an excellent conference.

I am adding some time off at each end. I plan to leave early for the conference and visit the NWS corporate headquarters (now located in Colfax), and proceed to Helena, Montana after the conference to visit my cousin. So I plan to be out of the office from Monday, September 17thand back in the office Tuesday, September 25th.

LeMay Project

We have not seen the revised plans yet. Jason Bruhn,  LeMay’s engineer, hopes to have draft plans to me shortly. The clearing has started and construction should begin in the next week or so. Rognlin’s is the prime contractor.

A late request by the engineer. They are wondering if they could locate the booster station at the corner of the LeMay property instead of up at the reservoirs. It would save them considerable money in bringing in electricity.

I told them that would be acceptable as long as an easement was created on which the station would stand. It also makes maintenance of the station an easier task for us, as it will require frequent visits and we like to limit the amount of traffic up and down the gravel road to the reservoir site. It is quite steep and trucks almost always dig ruts.

I have considered paving the last stretch of that road, but that is WAY down the priority list.

Fire Station

Nothing new in April.

Big Ridge Lodge

The Developer Extension Agreement has been renewed.

However, it appears they may be reducing the project further, to just six connections. If that is the case, I would propose dropping the requirement for an hydraulic analysis through the Deer Park community.

Reynvaan Site Security

Lighting and fencing have not been ordered.

As-Built Drawings

I am leaning towards handling this in-house with some limited assistance from consultants. But I have made no final decision yet, nor have I taken any action.

Disaster Management Planning

No action on the plan outline in April.

I really need to bear down on this. We are in pretty good shape for typical emergencies,but there are still holes in our ability to respond to a real catastrophe.

One item I want to investigate is the possibility of developing an intertie with the City of Aberdeen at Lake Aberdeen. That would provide us with a source of non-potable water in the event of an extreme event(earthquake/tsunami) that might render our wells inoperable. The water would have to be filtered and boiled in order to be “potable”,but residents could use it for toilet flushing and other,non-potable, sanitary uses. Coffee filters work for filtration and the water could be boiled for drinking and cooking.

A dream project would be to install powered shutoff valves at the reservoirs and tie those valves into SCADA. Water main breaks, inevitable in a large earthquake, can quickly drain the reservoirs. It is now possible to give 40 seconds to 4 minutes of warning of an impending large quake(bet you didn’t know that. It is closely held Emergency Management information. So don’t go spreading it around) during which time some emergency actions can be taken. Water in the reservoirs would be useful as an emergency supply. There is no money at the moment to address a danger that is a high hazard but low probability.


On a periodic basis there are new batches of information and new resources. I receive email alerts when new things pop up.

Most are not of immediate interest to us.

I am trying to find the time to study all the resources available to us so that, if need arises, I know what kind of assistance we can expect.

There were no requests for assistance in April.

Red Flag Programs

I am putting this on here as a reminder that I need to start work on this program. Since we now accept credit cards and have District credit cards we need to have an ID protection program, typically referred to as a “Red Flag” program.

New programs are tail end charlies for the next couple of months, at least.

Point & Pay

I received a long email from Point & Pay about their discontinuing support for the current version. The email talked about what appears to be new security protocols, universal rather than unique to P&P,that require intensive work by our IT team.

I replied to them letting them know that we do not have an IT Team and that we would have to rely on them to assist us with the transition. At this writing I have not received a response.

Future Very Small Projects

We have a list of very small projects that need attention:

Strip and recoat  North Bank roof (Scheduled for Summer 2018)

Install Well #6 Flush Valve

Repair Well #6 Shut Off Valve

Locate Isolation Valves in “The Swamp” area (MAIN may BE DRY)

Paint Hydrant Caps/Install Number Plates (Started Summer 2015)

Landscape Shop/Garage Area (ONGOING)

Install Sampling Stations stations to replace followup sites that are currently private addresses.

Clean and organize Shop ONGOING

We tackle these kinds of projects as Summer projects.

Install Sampling Stations at North Bank and Reynvaan

No action in April

This is an item that has been moved from “Future Very Small Projects”because it is a Sanitary Survey item, and, therefore, must be done.

Isolation Valve Exercise Program

This is another Sanitary Survey item. It has been on my to-do list since 2012. Action has been slow for two reasons:

1. It is a complex problem that is going to require considerable planning.

2. I don’t know where we are going to find the time to do the exercising once we have a program in place.

3. It is dependent on the as-built project.

Summer Help

Mick has started and has hit the ground running.

Future and/or On-Hold Programs

Web Page

Email Bills

Unfunded “Dream” Projects

Include Reynvaan Pump Station in SCADA

Probably will require new controls, which are getting due anyway

Include Hirschbeck Pump Station in SCADA

Convert SCADA Communications to Cellular, or whatever

Repave Office Parking Lot (Over Jim’s dead body) THE WORST SPOT IS PATCHED.

Replace Office Carpet

Long Distance Service Laterals

Any thoughts would be welcome.

Respectfully Submitted:

Reg Hearn

General Manager