
Budget Position Report

Revenues for March were $51,988.69. Expenditures were $43,659.25. So we contributed $8,329.44 to reserves.

Keep in mind that actual cash receipts in the door for March were $86,499.25.

Treasurer’s Report:

We learned a new lesson this month. Until Charli is up to speed on cash receipting, any time off I take should not spill over until the following month.

Because some money that was received in March was not deposited until April, the Treasurer’s report is a bit of a mess. We had to back date the receipts or else some folks would have shown up as past due that were not.

Debt Service Fund:

Scott: Have you had a chance to pursue investing the USDA reserve?

2020 Budget

We will need to start talking about next year’s budget in July. So I am working on those numbers now. I tend to work six years out, at least in outline, and refine the line items as the following year draws closer.

Monthly Utility Totals

See Report. The “Credits” section reports the total for all customers with a credit balance. Most of those folks still make the payments. They just like to have the cushion, they are snow birds, or they just want to make the same payment every month.

The actual billing is $78,817.25.

See Water Use Efficiency comments.

USDA Annual Report

The annual USDA report needs to be signed by Joe. I will have the report available at the meeting.

Operational Issues

I have moved Operational Issues to a separate sheet. There is no need to wander through these at every meeting.

When new ones come up I will introduce them in the Manager’s Report. Once introduced they will get moved to the Operational Issues sheet.

Highway 12 Cast Iron Pipe Replacement

The District (me) met with WSDOT and NWS to walk the site and make some preliminary determinations as to how to proceed.

This is going to be an interesting project. The word “interesting” is not necessarily a positive indication.

Due to the topography, some of the project will involve horizontal drilling. There are places the hill side comes right down to the ditch line. The topography is complicated by the 50-foot WSDOT right-of-way instead of the usual 60-foot. There simply is not very much room in which to work.

In one instance the 50-foot r-o-w benefits the District. The local WSDOT office was not aware of the narrowed r-o-w. There is one location where it makes sense for the new water main to cross a deeply buried surface water management facility. Not an easy undertaking. But that facility was installed outside the WSDOT 50-foot r-o-w and will need to be moved. WSDOT will work with us to make that crossing a lot easier.

I expect engineered documents fairly soon, which need to be submitted to WSDOT for approval. Once that is done, we can go out to bid. My preference is simply to pitch the job to Brumfield, but I think it is involved enough, and will be expensive enough, that we need to solicit bids.

Water Usage/Water Use Efficiency

As I long suspected, but couldn’t prove, the reports from the BDS billing system appear to have understated water sold.

When I first ran the numbers for the annual Water Use Efficiency report for 2018, depending on the BDS reports, I got an Unaccounted Water number of 66%. Clearly a wrong number. Unless our customers are using an average of 186 gallons per day per connection, which is not likely, the BDS numbers are off by a significant percentage.

Looking for an alternative approach, I took the usage numbers for the first two billings on the Bias system and extrapolated them out a year. I got a much more believable average of 248 gallons per day per connection and Distribution System Leakage (DSL) of 6%.

While this is not exactly the approach that the Water Use Efficiency rule is looking for, it is clearly a more accurate reflection of reality.

Should a question ever arise about the methodology I used for the 2019 report on 2018 water use efficiency, I have documented it here. I also included a description of the methodology in the annual report.

If the methodology is faulty, it will be evident in the 2020 report for 2019 usage. But the first three billings for 2019 appear to validate my approach. The new report “Monthly Utility Totals” is a useful tool in monitoring DSL on an ongoing basis.

Our final, and reported, Distribution System Leakage for 2018 was 7%. Our running three year average is 3.6%. We have come a long way from the 36% back in 2009.

Reynvaan Reservoir

Repairs are awaiting dryer weather.

Consumer Confidence Report/Newsletter

I have started work on the June newsletter. It is amazing how fast these things come up.

Maintenance Activity:

Usual daily/weekly/monthly maintenance activity. See attached report.

Contractor Repairs

None in March.

Well #5 VFD

On 3/21/2019 the Variable Frequency Drive on Well #5 went down. Troubleshooting by American Pump indicated that the unit needs to be replaced.

Estimated installed and set up cost is $24,239.68 plus shipping.

With the aid of Commissioner Epperson, the pump motor was evaluated to ensure that it was not damaged.

Commissioners Redding and Epperson suggested that the failed VFD be sent to the manufacturer to determine if it could be re-built and kept as a backup. American Pump can handle that transaction.

Anticipated replacement date is 4/18.


I have yet to set up a meeting with JWM&A,

Hill Road Water Main

I am putting this project on hold. I just don’t see where we can squeeze out the money. It will remain in the report as a place holder.

Well Site Fence

The usual difficulty in getting someone out to prepare an estimate.

Office Plumbing

Is complete.

Highway 12 Meters

Installation is complete. Starting on the next phase…training and integration into Bias. Some progress has been made on this, but we have had difficulty getting everybody lined up at once.

New Connections

18 Lutton Lane

19 Lutton Lane

Shop Organization

We keep looking for a window to get this job done.


I have signed up for the Asbestos Pipe class. Kenny is signed up for a two day class on organizing daily certified operator responsibilities.


We have a mini safety meeting every morning.


Tabled for now. I will be pulling all the associated expenses together for future discussion.


Service Truck: No issues

F-150: No Issues

S-10: No issues. Have not followed up on searching for a used seat.

Pickup Truck: No Issues

Shop Site South Fence

The fire district has abandoned the idea of acquiring the right of way for the radii at the west end of our flag lot.

I am proposing that we proceed unilaterally. With your blessing I will contact the owner of the mobile home park. And I will solicit a bid from RC Fencing.

Alder Glen & Etc.

No news in February. Work orders are still out for the dead end lines that have not been examined.

Carl Way/Ridgeview: Not an issue

Hemlock Park

Lois Lane Not an issue

Waverly Court Not an issue

Garden Road: Not an issue

Walthom Lane: Not an issue

Greenbriar Court

Reynvaan Court

Madow Court

Reed Lane Not an issue

Blaine Road (End) Not an issue

Larson Lane Not an issue

Fremont Drive

Silkey Court

Lake Road

Hemlock Park

Fairway Park

River Road: Replaced

Alder Glen: Will need replacement.

Fairway Terrace: Will need replacement.

Filing System

On going.


We just need to get the docs signed and notarized. The word is that the documents are circulating somewhere in the military administration.

LeMay Project

This project is nearing completion. The SCADA equipment is installed at the new booster station, but nothing has been done at our head end yet. The plan is to use a landline through Century Link.

We will see how that works out.

I thought I was in discussions with Century Link. I made initial contact, which was acknowledged, but no further response.

Start up and testing of the booster station is scheduled for the week of 4/8.

We signed the easement documents on 4/3. They wanted to sign over the bill of sale also, but I am not willing to do that until everything is operational.

Fire Station

This project is actually moving along. One change is that they would like to run their water service through our shop site in order to avoid tearing up a bunch of asphalt.

I have no problem with that.

A major advantage is that we could install a fire hydrant close to our buildings. That would be a major benefit for minimal cost. We would provide the hydrant.

Reynvaan Lower Pump House

This building continues to deteriorate. I need to start the process of planning a replacement.

Basic Specifications:

Large enough to include pump controls (8 X 10)

Conform to the WAC 246-290 pump house requirements

Concrete Floor

Floor Drain


Moisture Resistant Paneling

Generator Transfer Switch

Thermostatically Controlled Heater

Roof Hatch

I am thinking that one of the ready-built sheds would serve with some minor modifications.

Big Ridge Lodge

No actions in February.

Disaster Management Planning

No action on the plan outline in February. I have received a call from someone in the community regarding grant funding for this planning. I haven’t had the chance to call back. But I will. Probably before the meeting.

Isolation Valve Exercise Program

This is another Sanitary Survey item. It has been on my to-do list since 2012.

See discussion on as-builts.

Future and/or On-Hold Programs

Email Bills

Online Bill Pay

Installation of additional isolation valves

Unfunded “Dream” Projects

Include Reynvaan Pump Station in SCADA

Probably will require new controls, which are getting due anyway

Include Hirschbeck Pump Station in SCADA

Convert SCADA Communications to Cellular, or whatever.

Pump Stations on SCADA

This is an item that needs to be moved from “dream” to figuring out how it can be done. The power outage on 2/5 blew one of the controllers on the Hirschbeck Heights booster station. We didn’t know about it until after a high demand period resulted in overdrawing the one operating pump and tripping its circuit breaker. With the attendant out of water calls.

With Century Link communications being installed for the LeMay booster station, this integration may be a lot easier and less expensive.

Long Distance Service Laterals

Any thoughts would be welcome.

Respectfully Submitted:

Reg Hearn

General Manager