

Budget Position Report

April Revenues were $68,658. ​​ Expenses were $69,066. ​​ So we spent $408 more than we took in. ​​ 


In this report I do not list interfund transfers as expenses because that money has not left the district. ​​ It has simply moved from one Fund to another. ​​ If you look at the Reconciled Budget Position report it looks like we are in the hole almost $12,000. ​​ That is not case.


In the month of April we moved $5,071 from General Maintenance to Capital Replacement (in accordance with our Asset Management Plan), $4,200 from General Maintenance to Debt Service (for the USDA payment), and $10,000 from General Maintenance to the Major Repair fund. ​​ That $10,000 reflects previous months’ revenue in excess of expenses.


In view of the balance of $172,186 in the General Maintenance Fund, and since we only need between $65,000 and $75,000 each month to operate the district, we could safely move another $90,000 to Major Repair. ​​ I would have done that except we will be moving it right back again once we have the final bill from the contractor for the Highway 12 main replacement.


We are $160,966 ahead for the year. ​​ That will change once the final invoices come in for the Highway 12 water main replacement.


In the Reconciled Budget Position report page 1 most of the revenue comes from transfers in from the Revenue Clearing account. ​​ There are some revenue items that appear on Page 1 because they are income that does not go through the clearing account.


A breakdown of revenues that do pass through the clearing account is on Page 10 of the Reconciled Budget Position report.


The full Reconciled Budget Position report presents all of the transactions for all of the seven funds.


Some items of note in expenses:


*There is now a separate line item for chlorine. ​​ It used to be just lumped under Parts and Supplies.

*Attorneys’ fees are higher than budgeted due to the ongoing personnel issue.

*Vehicle Maintenance is high because the tractor needed a rather long list of minor repairs.

*Projects reflects the first installment from the contractor on the Highway 12 water main replacement.


The “Reconciled Budget Position” report is the “official” statement of the district’s budget position. ​​ 


Treasurer’s Report:

Preparing the March reports was done under a severe time crunch. ​​ Some of the activities short-changed for March have been caught up for the April reports.


Balances To Date:

 Regular Maintenance   $179,186.03

 Capital Replacement   $ ​​ 14,212.25

 Major Repair Reserve   $425,958.00

 General Facilities   $102,910.94

 Total Funds Available   $722,267.22



The office is still closed. ​​ The governor’s proclamation closes all government offices, including special district.


Isolation Valves

We acquired a metal detector specifically configured to locate valve boxes. ​​ Kenny got very excited about the program and has already located several buried isolation valves.  ​​​​ He is a bit ahead of me in terms of developing a logical program, but that is just fine.


Well #5 Pump

The motor has been pulled and is at the motor shop. ​​ I haven’t heard any reports.


The old pump has been pulled. ​​ The top discharge is in serviceable condition and will be overhauled and re-used. ​​ This was assumed in the proposal.


The line shaft is not serviceable.  ​​​​ It was not measured. ​​ The areas at the packing gland and the intermediate bearing are badly scored. ​​ It was assumed the line shaft would not pass inspection. It didn’t.


The galvanized (if it actually is galvanized. ​​ I suspect it might be stainless) pump screen is in excellent condition, but will not be re-used. ​​ It would be damaged in any attempted to remove it and re-install it on a different pump.


The well was camera-ed. ​​ This is all good news. ​​ The well casing is in good shape. ​​ The well screen (as opposed to the pump screen) is in excellent condition. ​​ The well screen, as I expected, is a stainless steel Johnson wedge-wire screen. ​​ The examination revealed that the well driller did an excellent job of developing the well.  ​​​​ The well screens (there are actually two at different depths) are surrounded by a truly beautiful gravel pack.


The new pump is expected to produce 150 gpm more than the old pump (at least) at an 85% efficiency point. ​​ Tom: ​​ Pump efficiency includes the pump and the motor and is somewhat different than pure motor efficiency.


Hydrant Maintenance

Hydrant maintenance is being kick started. ​​ We are quite a ways behind. ​​ 


Rate Study

Some action will need to be taken. ​​ The early replacement of the Well #5 pump will change the Asset Management Plan considerably. ​​ I will be working on amendments once I have the final costs of pump replacement.


New Regulations

Nothing new this month.


Recurring SCADA Power/Communications Problems

Systems Interface is gathering the equipment and preparing for the install. ​​ The hold up now is Comcast.  ​​​​ Their engineer has been out and planned the work, but it takes some time to get the pole permits from PUD.


I am quite pleased that Comcast was able to provide the service. ​​ I was not relishing having to deal with their competition.


The lines to North Bank have been run. The pump house lines are scheduled for July 9th.



Awaiting final resolution on the legal issues.


Highway 12 Cast Iron Pipe Replacement

A few details need to be cleaned up. ​​ The as-builts have not been prepared yet. ​​ The engineer needs the drilling logs, and those have not arrived on my desk yet.


I have included the cost tracking sheet on this project, but we have not received the final bill from the contractor yet.


The new fire hydrant was an unanticipated expense. ​​ We were hoping to re-use the old one. ​​ However, the thrust blocking was so completely wrapped around the old one it was unusable.


Maintenance Activity:

Usual daily/weekly/monthly maintenance activity. ​​ See attached report.


Contractor Repairs



Tank Cleaning

I have not had the opportunity to contact Liquivision. ​​ This is on hold until the “Stay-at-Home” order is lifted.



I have not had time to pursue information about the Flo, Inc. program. ​​ 


New Connections

6520 Trentland Park. ​​ This is an existing residence that had it’s own well, along with a pirate connection to the water district. ​​ We disconnected the pirate connection a few years ago.


Consumer Complaint

The customer has not responded to a letter requesting a determination on service termination.


I will write a letter to the AG explaining what we did.


Shop Organization

The process of inventory has begun. ​​ And ground to a halt. ​​ This keeps falling victim to higher priority projects.



Kenny has completed his CEU requirement through the end of next year. ​​ I have a few CEU’s to go yet.




We have a mini safety meeting every morning. ​​ 



Service Truck: ​​ No issues. ​​ 


Pickup Truck 1: ​​ No Issues


Pickup Truck 2:  ​​​​ No issues


Backhoe: ​​ No issues.


Web Site

Nothing new.


Filing System

I will be conducting interviews, probably by phone, soon.


Fire Station

Our involvement, other than finishing our access road through the fire station property, is over.


The shop site is looking a little rough. ​​ We want to be good neighbors and not have an unsightly work area. ​​ Once the fire station is complete, or nearly so, I plan to do some basic landscaping.


Grant Funding Pursuit

The “Stay-at-Home” order has pretty much shut this effort down for the time being.


Capital Asset Management

The plan will undergo considerable revision once we have all the costs for the new pump.  ​​​​ We were planning the replacement of the pump in 2028. ​​ 


Disaster Management Planning

We now have a deadline. ​​ July 2021. I sincerely hope to make some progress once the rate study is in better shape.


I am no longer worried. ​​ I think we will be able to address this requirement without making it a major effort.


Part of preparing a Disaster Management Plan, it is advised that the Emergency Response Plan be reviewed and updated. ​​ I have done that. I will have the plan available for your approving signatures in the course of reviewing and approving everything else. ​​ 


Isolation Valve Exercise Program

On hold due to inadequate as-built information.


Future and/or On-Hold Programs

Email Bills

Online Bill Pay (way down the list. ​​ Customers can pay bills online through their bank)



Shop Insulation

On hold until the “Stay-at-Home” order is lifted.


Misc. Expenses

I am having a situation that is driving me crazy.  ​​​​ Both the district and I have Capital One accounts. ​​ Since business accounts need a responsible person, I am that person. ​​ Capital One cannot understand that there should be no connection between the accounts that carry my name.


In most cases I have worked it out so it is no issue. ​​ Except for some small charges for music services. ​​ I have tried to straighten it out, to no avail. ​​ So I will be writing the district some checks.


Long Distance Service Laterals

No change.


Respectfully Submitted:

Reg Hearn

General Manager



Financial 2004